
  • Who do you feel an affinity with?

    “A person feels an affinity for and warms up to those who are like him”. Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi Every person…

  • Communication

    If you do not want communication to be immediately blocked or broken when you are conversing with someone, you should…

  • Sincerety requires effort!

    Sincerety requires effort. Himmat (concentration of the heart/spiritual will) is strengthened in proportion to effort. The influence of the imaginal…

  • It is in vain that the ear hears!

    The desired goal cannot be reached if the word does not penetrate the heart! It is in vain that the…

  • When the tree blooms, the weak branches fall off!

    The diseased branches of the tree are pruned first. When the tree blooms, the weak branches fall off. When it…

  • Perhaps!

    Do not say “I read this before” and avoid reading the same writing! Do not say “I heard these words…

  • Perception, understanding and comprehension!

    “Those who belong to Allah (Ahlullah) reached salvation because they attained Ainul Yaqin (the eye of certainty) and did not…

  • Use your mind!

    Use your mind! Use your mind but not the one that has been conditioned by prior programming! Not the mind…

  • Do not forget that Haqq will treat you the way you treat His subjects!

    When you are; Angry, Hungry, Ill, Do not make any decisions, Do not make any judgment! Do not act on…

  • The first thought!

    The first thought is divine – right – thought which is never wrong. Just as innocence and validity belong to…

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